SPAIN - Universities - Castilla y León
The public universities of Castilla y León have agreed to offer 100 places to receive Ukrainian students in our Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate degrees during this semester. The public universities of Castilla y León have agreed to offer 100 places to receive Ukrainian students in our Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate degrees during this semester. The general conditions established are as follows:
A. Access
I. If they have knowledge of Spanish.
i. They would be incorporated as incoming mobility
students, without payment of fees, into the existing degree
programmes on offer.
II. If they have no knowledge of Spanish.
i. They will be offered, free of charge, a Spanish language and
culture course of 20 hours per week during the semester,
with credit recognition.
III. If they speak English.
Universidad de Burgos- Centro de Cooperación y Acción Solidaria
Universidad de León – Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización
Universidad de Salamanca - Vicerrectorado de Relaciones Internacionales
Universidad de Valladolid - Secretariado de Asuntos Sociales